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RPR Exam 

The RPR (Registered Property Receiver) Exam is held annually and comprises
  • a written multi-choice and essay question paper
  • about two or three months later a 60 minute peer interview. The peer interview involves a presentation by the applicant on an actual LPA fixed charge case on which the applicant has worked. Questions will be asked on the efficacy of the actions taken on the case and the basis on which decisions were made.
  • successful candidates should then apply for Fellowship of Nara if they are not already members.
RPRS – Info for Exam Candidates 2024 includes application form

The RPR Exam is set annually by the Insolvency Practitioners Association. For more details about the examination please contact:

Nikki Haggis at the IPA on 0207 623 5108 or email

Syllabus Guidance

John Hughes, Nara member and author of the book 'Law of Property Act Receiverships' was commissioned to produce short guidance notes to the RPR exam syllabus.

Part A - General Legal Background
Part B - Principles of Insolvency - General issues
Part C - Principles of Personal insolvency  - IVA & Bankruptcy
Part D - Corporate Insolvency - Liquidaton, MVL, CVL, Compulsory Liquidation, Administration, Administrative Receivership
Part E - Principles of Property Receivership
Part F - Regulation of IP's & Property Receivers

Additionally, the definitive legal text book is 'Mortgage Receivership – Law & Practice'  written by Cecily Crampin and Stephanie Tozer QC of Falcon Chambers.
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