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Recovering real estate loans - trends and resolution

Web chat
This webinar starts at 10am
17 Apr 2024


Recovering real estate loanstrends and resolution 17th April 2024 - 10am-11am.

Do you know what is happening in the distressed real estate market?
Do you know the early warning signs of impending default?
Are you concerned about speed of resolution?
When a non-performing real estate loan demands the ultimate decision, do you consider appointing a #FixedChargeReceiver?

Earlier this year in our 2023 overview we promised a first quarter peak at appointment trends ahead of our usual six-monthly report. Our free April webinar - exclusively for lenders - addresses again the practicalities of non-performing real estate loans and looks at current fixed charge appointment levels.

Delivered by sector experts, attendees will be reminded of the advantages and disadvantages of Fixed Charge Receivership and Administration. With reference to real cases we will look at the realities of resolution.

Rory Dillon - Fletcher Bond, will highlight the early warning indicators in property restructuring - what to look out for and hints & tips on how to approach those delicate conversations. 

David Eden - Cushman & Wakefield will demonstrate how early Lender engagement provided multiple workout options to resolve a challenging shopping centre receivership.


Why Attend?

Suitable for decision makers and case-managers alike this brief insight will assist lenders in making those difficult real estate decisions,




Julian Healey

What is Fixed Charge Receivership, Why a Fixed Charge Receiver?, Volume and sector trends.


Case Study 1 - Early warning indicators in property restructuring

Rory Dillon

Early warning indicators in property restructuring
What to look out for and hints and tips for how to approach those delicate conversations.


Case Study 2 - Shopping Centre receivership

David Eden, Partner, Receivership & Recovery Solutions - Cushman & Wakefield

Early engagement with the Lender can provide multiple workout options to be considered and tested.



Julian Healey
Rory Dillon
David Eden

Q&A session 




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